
Excavation work began for The Carnelian in February 2022 as we went into the final stages of approval. We are following the RIBA Plan of Work; There are eight stages in the plan numbered from 0 to 7. We are currently at stage 5. Below is a summary of the key stages and our progress


August 2024

7: In Use

This involves a post-occupancy evaluation of the building to determine the project’s performance. It is also when facilities and asset management are implemented.

June 2024

6: Handover and Close Out

This phase focuses on the successful handover of the completed building, in line with the project program, and includes completing initial aftercare tasks.

July 2022

5: Manufacturing & Construction

This stage is when the actual process of building starts. This includes manufacturing building systems and erecting any components of the building that have been made off-site. During Stage 5, the designer should also carry out site inspections and compile quality reports.

November 2021

4: Technical Design

Stage 4 involves refining the architectural, building services, and structural engineering designs in greater detail. Technical designs will be developed. Designs by any specialist subcontractors will be completed.

November 2021

3: Spatial Coordination

The concept design will be further developed, and the architectural, building services, and structural engineering designs are coordinated and checked by the lead designer.

October 2021

1: Preparation and Briefing

Stage 1 involves developing the project brief and conducting any necessary feasibility studies. Factors like site information, spatial requirements, budget restrictions, risk analysis and project outcomes must all be considered.

March 2021

0: Strategic Definition

During Stage 0, the project must be strategically appraised and defined so that a detailed brief can be drafted. This is done to ensure that the client’s business case has been properly considered and addressed.

Construction Updates

As of the time of writing, the following have been done as outputs of phases one to four in our RIBA plan of work: Structural drawings, Architectural drawings, Mechanical & Electrical, fee payments required by federal ministries, 3D design visual guides, and Marketing Brochure. Squatters have also been evacuated from the area to ensure security and avoid future impediments. Whilst we await the necessary government approvals, we are fencing and creating our marketing billboard for the site. Stay current on the project progress with these construction updates.

Progress In Pictures

Follow us on the journey to building the iconic Carnelian Tower, from initial land inspection to the final touches during interior decor and furnishing, we will share every step of the journey.